Editorial Board
Frontline Gastroenterology Editorial Board members have agreed and adhere to the BMJ Editor Roles and Responsibilities guidelines; including our Editor policy on competing interests.

Dr. Philip Smith
Royal Liverpool University Hospital
Liverpool, UK
Editorial office: info.fg@bmj.com

Dr. Smith is an Honorary Gastroenterologist with a particular interest in IBD, transition and nutrition. He is Editor in Chief of Frontline Gastroenterologist after previously being Deputy Editor and Trainee Editor. He is also the Digital and Education Editor of GUT.
Emeritus Editor-in-Chief

Prof. Mark Beattie
University of Southampton
Southampton, UK
Declaration of Interests, see here

Deputy Editors

Dr. Andrés Cárdenas
University of Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain

Dr. Cárdenas's main expertise and research interests are liver transplantation, cirrhosis, and its complications, as well as interventional procedures in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension.

Dr. Aditi Kumar
Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
Wolverhampton, UK

Dr. Kumar is a Consultant Gastroenterologist with a sub-specialty interest in IBD and research.

Dr. Oliver Tavabie
Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust
Leeds, UK

Dr. Tavabie's clinical and research interests are in liver failure syndromes and liver transplantation. He has a strong background in medical education having previously been on the MRCP exam board as well as being the BASL trainee representative.
Associate Editors
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Dr. Nuru Noor (Lead Associate Editor for IBD)
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK

Dr. Noor is a Clinical Lecturer in Gastroenterology with a clinical focus on IBD and an academic interest in the design, conduct, analysis and reporting of clinical trials. He is particularly interested in bringing novel methodologies to the field of IBD to help improve outcomes for patients.

Dr. Jonathan Blackwell
Edinburgh IBD Unit, NHS Lothian
Lothian, UK

Dr. Blackwell is a consultant luminal gastroenterologist specialising in IBD. He is passionate about teaching medicine and has an interest in Big Data research.

Dr. Alenka Brooks
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Sheffield, UK

Dr. Brooks has a specialist interest in IBD and young people with particular interest in healthcare transition. Alenka is Associate Medical Director for Young People's services and leads the IBD transition service at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals

Dr. Aline Charabaty
Sibley Memorial Hospital
Washington, D.C, USA

Dr. Jennie Clough
London, UK

Dr. Clough is a ST7 Gastroenterology Trainee based in South London, with an interest in the pathogenesis of and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. She undertook a PhD examining the impact of a common Crohn's disease-associated genetic change on immune cell behaviour and treatment response in IBD patients.

Dr. Rachel Cooney
University Hospital Birmingham
Birmingham, UK

Dr. Cooney is an IBD specialist with research and education focus.

Dr. Disney is a Luminal Gastroenterologist with interests in inflammatory bowel disease, neurogastroenterology and bowel cancer screening.

Dr. Beatriz Gros
Reina Sofia University Hospital
Cordoba, Spain

Dr. Gros is an IBD specialist working as a consultant gastroenterologist at Reina Sofía University Hospital in Cordoba, Spain. Passionate about IBD education and clinical research, she shares her knowledge through social media and her educational website www.ibd-eii.com. Her innovative approach has earned her a spot as a WHO Fides health influencer.

Dr. Aditi Kumar
Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
Wolverhampton, UK

Dr. Kumar is a Consultant Gastroenterologist with a sub-specialty interest in IBD and research.

Prof. Jimmmy K. Limdi
Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust , Manchester and University of Manchester
Manchester, UK

Prof. Limdi is a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Head of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Section at Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust (NE Sector) and Professor of Clinical Gastroenterology at the Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre, University of Manchester. He is also Hon. Professor at the Manchester Metropolitan University and Deputy Director of Research &Innovation at the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester.

Dr. Joyce Wing Yan Mak
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, China

Dr. Mak is currently the President of the Hong Kong IBD Society and serves as a board member of the Asian Organisation of Crohn’s and Colitis (AOCC). She has published over 60 articles in peer-reviewed journals on inflammatory bowel disease and gut microbiota, including Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology and 3 book chapters on inflammatory bowel disease.

Associate Professor Jonathan Segal
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Melbourne, Australia

Associate Professor Segal is a UK trained Gastroenterologist with a specialist interest in IBD and the ileoanal pouch. He emigrated to Australia in 2022 and prides himself in using his experience to help the next generation to thrive.
Nutrition, Small Bowel and Intestinal Failure

Dr. Lisa Sharkey (Lead Associate Editor for Nutrition, Small Bowel and Intestinal Failure)
Kings College Hospital & Gulf Medical University
Dubai, UAE

After completing her SpR rotation in the East of England, Dr. Sharkey was a consultant Gastroenterologist in Cambridge for 8 years before relocating to Dubai in 2023. Her sub speciality interests are clinical nutrition, intestinal failure and intestinal transplant, as well as nutrition education.

Dr. Martyn Dibb
Queens Medical Centre
Nottingham, UK

Dr. Dibb is a consultant luminal gastroenterologist with an interest in Nutrition and Intestinal Failure. He was a Consultant in Liverpool for 10 years before moving to become the clinical lead for intestinal failure in Nottingham.

Dr. James Kennedy
Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
Reading, UK

Dr. Kennedy is a Specialist Registrar in Gastroenterology and General Internal Medicine in the Thames Valley Deanery. He is currently taking time out of programme to pursue research into inflammatory bowel disease and the gut microbiome, working towards a PhD. He is currently a Todd-Bird Junior Research Fellow in Clinical Medicine at New College, University of Oxford.

Dr. Francesca Moroni
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Aberdeen, UK

Dr. Francesca Moroni is a consultant gastroenterologist with interest in nutrition and neuro-gastroenterology and motility disorders. She is the chair of BAPEN Scotland, the mentoring lead for BSG, a member of BSG SWiG committee and the Editor of SGG Digest This! webinars.

Dr. Trevor Smith
University Hospital Southampton
Southampton, UK

Associate Professor Heidi Staudacher
Monash University
Melbourne, Australia

Heidi Staudacher is an advanced accredited practising dietitian and researcher based in Melbourne, Australia. She has a special interest in diet-microbiome interactions, diet treatments for DGBI, and diet treatments for mental health disorders.

Dr. Louise China (Lead Associate Editor for Hepatology)
The Royal Free Hospital & UCL
London, UK

Dr. China is a consultant Hepatologist with interests in portal hypertension and vascular liver disease who believes in establishing a culture of research for patient benefit ingrained within clinical practice. She thrives on new challenges and innovative problem solving which has led her to develop an academic portfolio in medical education and research undertaking national and international leadership roles in research and education.

Dr. Andrés Cárdenas
University of Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain

Dr. Cárdenas's main expertise and research interests are liver transplantation, cirrhosis, and its complications, as well as interventional procedures in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension.

Dr. Tim Cross, President of BASL
The Royal Liverpool University Hospital
Liverpool, UK
orcid.org/0000 0003 0625 8726

Dr. Cross qualified from St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical school in 1996. He trained in gastroenterology in London and in hepatology at Addenbrookes Hospital, The Royal Free and Kings College Hospital liver units. He is a Consultant in hepatology in Liverpool.

Prof. CE Eapen
Christian Medical College
Vellore, India

After completing MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine) and DM (Gastroenterology) at Christian Medical College, Vellore, India, Prof. Eapen has continued as a faculty member there and is currently Professor of Hepatology. He underwent specialized training for two years under Professor Elwyn Elias (Liver Unit, Queen Elizabeth hospital, Birmingham, UK) and one year under Professor Ian Roberts-Thomson (The Queen Elizabeth hospital, Adelaide, Australia).

Dr. Geri Keane
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, USA

Dr. James Maurice
North Bristol NHS Trust
Bristol, UK

Dr. Maurice is a consultant Hepatologist and Gastroenterologist at North Bristol. He trained in London, including advanced hepatology at the Royal Free, Kings and Imperial.

Prof. James O'Beirne
Sunshine Coast University Hospital
Queensland, Australia

Prof. O'Beirne trained in Hepatology in the UK. He relocated to Australia in 2016 and now leads the hepatology department at Sunshine Coast University Hospital.

Dr. Oliver Tavabie
Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust
Leeds, UK

Dr. Tavabie's clinical and research interests are in liver failure syndromes and liver transplantation. He has a strong background in medical education having previously been on the MRCP exam board as well as being the BASL trainee representative.
Hepatopancreatobiliary Medicine (HPB)

Prof. John Leeds (Lead Associate Editor for HPB)
Freeman Hospital & Population Health Sciences Institute, Newcastle University
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK

Prof. Leeds is a pancreaticobiliary physician and endoscopist working in one of the highest volume centres in the UK, delivering high quality clinical service as well as training in pancreaticobiliary endoscopy and related research.

Dr. Noor Bekkali
John Radcliffe, Oxford University Hospitals
Oxford, UK

Dr. Noor Bekkali completed her Gastroenterology training in 2015 at the Academic Medical Centre (AMC) in Amsterdam after completing her doctorate (PhD). Her training incorporated dedicated training in pancreatobiliary (PB) medicine at AMC and subsequent PB-endoscopy fellowships at the University College London Hospitals and the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle before accepting a consultant post at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford in 2018.

Dr. Eyad Gadour
King Fahad Specialist Hospital
Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Gadour is a UK-trained consultant physician, currently working as a consultant Transplant Hepatologist/Gastroenterologist and associate professor of medicine. As the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Training Programme Director for Health Education England-North West Deanery, he demonstrated visionary leadership by helping to establish the training number for the Hepatology fellowship in Manchester for the first time. Eyad is an accomplished researcher with over 80 published abstracts, original research articles, meta-analyses, and reviews, making significant contributions to the field of gastroenterology.

Dr. Geri Keane
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, USA

Dr. Giovanna McGinty
Southmed Hospital, North Bristol Trust
Bristol, UK

Dr. McGinty is currently out of programme completing an endoscopy fellowship for more experience in HPB endoscopy at Southmead Hospital. She graduated at University of Birmingham and completed the majority of her training in the Severn Deanery. Her interests are hepatology, medical education and quality improvement. Outside of this, she is attempting the Couch to 5K and loves to play video games!
Paediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Dr. James Ashton (Lead Associate Editor for Paediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology)
University of Southampton & Southampton Children’s Hospital
Southampton, UK

Dr. Ashton is an Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist in Southampton. His primary interests are on the genetic aetiology and prediction in inflammatory bowel disease, alongside the role of big data and artificial intelligence in translational research.

Dr. Alenka Brooks
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Sheffield, UK

Dr. Susan Protheroe
Birmingham Women's and Children's Hospital
Birmingham, UK

Dr. Keith Siau (Lead Associate Editor for Endoscopy)
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Cornwall, UK

Dr. Siau is a general gastroenterologist with interests in endoscopy training and therapeutic endoscopy. Affiliations with JAG, BSG Endoscopy, ESGE, UEG, EIO.

Dr. Omer Ahmad (Lead Associate Editor for A.I)
University College Hospital London
London, UK

Dr. Ahmad is a consultant Gastroenterologist with a specialist practice in early detection and endoscopic treatment of luminal cancer. PhD from UCL entitled ‘Development and Implementation of AI in Colonoscopy’, pioneering the creation of artificial intelligence based endoscopic software in collaboration with computer scientists which is now being used internationally. Current research focuses on the clinical implementation of AI into routine practice which led to the award of major collaborative grant funding and supervises PhD students developing novel AI software.

Dr. Majidah Bukhari
Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital
Dubai, UAE

Dr. Philip Dunne
Glasgow Royal Infirmary, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Glasgow, UK

Dr. Dunne is a consultant with interests in endoscopy and hepatology - clinical research in portal hypertension.

Dr. Shraddha Gulati
King's College Hospital
London, UK

Dr. Hasan Haboubi
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Wales, UK

Dr. Haboubi is a Consultant Gastroenterologist based in Cardiff with a special interest in Upper GI Disease, particularly therapeutic endoscopy in the oesophagus and stomach.

Dr. Manmeet Matharoo
St Mark's Hospital London North West Hospitals NHS Trust
London, UK

Dr. Matharoo is a consultant Gastroenterologist at St Marks with a specialist interest in endoscopy patient safety and endoscopy training.

Dr. Nisha Patel
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
London, UK

Dr. Patel is an interventional endoscopist and Director of the West London Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. She has an academic interest in novel therapies for endoscopy including robotics and artificial intelligence.

Dr. Sharmila Subramaniam
Portsmouth University Hospitals NHS Trust
Portsmouth, UK

Dr. Subramaniam has a specialist clinical and research interest in advanced luminal endoscopy and endoscopic resection of early neoplasia having completed her PhD in this area. She is also the endoscopy training lead in her trust.
Oesophagus and Gastroduodenal

Prof. Alejandro Piscoya (Lead Associate Editor for Oesophagus and Gastroduodenal)
Hospital Guillermo Kaelin de la Fuente
Lima, Peru

Prof. Piscoya is the Chair of the Guidelines Committee of World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO), Members of the Guidelines Committee and Academy of Educators of the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), President of Panamerican Organization of Gastroenterology (OPGE) and President of Peruvia Society of Gastroenterology (SGP).

Dr. Hasan Haboubi
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Wales, UK

Dr. Haboubi is a Consultant Gastroenterologist based in Cardiff with a special interest in Upper GI Disease, particularly therapeutic endoscopy in the oesophagus and stomach.

Dr. Cormac Magee
University College London Hospitals
London, UK

Dr. Magee is a Consultant Gastroenterologist ay UCLH. He has specialist interests in Upper GI Endoscopy, Intestinal Failure and Obesity.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Dr. Omer Ahmad (Lead Associate Editor for A.I)
University College Hospital London
London, UK

Dr. Ahmad is a consultant Gastroenterologist with a specialist practice in early detection and endoscopic treatment of luminal cancer. PhD from UCL entitled ‘Development and Implementation of AI in Colonoscopy’, pioneering the creation of artificial intelligence based endoscopic software in collaboration with computer scientists which is now being used internationally. Current research focuses on the clinical implementation of AI into routine practice which led to the award of major collaborative grant funding and supervises PhD students developing novel AI software.

Dr. Shraddha Gulati
King's College Hospital
London, UK


Dr. Christopher J. Black (Lead Associate Editor for Neurogastroenterology)
Leeds Teaching Hospitals and the University of Leeds
Leeds, United Kingdom

Dr. Black is a consultant gastroenterologist with an interest in Neurogastroenterology. His research is particularly focused on the diagnosis and management of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and evidence-based medicine and meta-analysis in gastrointestinal diseases. He is co-author of the recent BSG guidelines on IBS and functional dyspepsia.

Dr. Disney is a Luminal Gastroenterologist with interests in inflammatory bowel disease, neurogastroenterology and bowel cancer screening.

Dr. Dipesh Vasant
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, University of Manchester
Manchester, UK

Dr. Vasant is a Neurogastroenterologist with an interest in integrated care and gut-brain therapies for GI motility disorders and runs a specialised lab. He is a co-author on two recent BSG guidelines in the management of DGBI.
Colorectal Surgery

Mr. Valerio Celentano (Lead Associate Editor for Colorectal Surgery)
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
London, UK

Mr. Kapil Sahnan
St Mark's Hospital
London, UK

Mr. Kapil Sahnan is a Consultant Surgeon at St Mark’s Hospital, London, and an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in the Department of Surgery & Cancer, at Imperial College London.

Miss Nicola Hodges
St Mark's Hospital
London, UK
Miss Hodges is a consultant colorectal surgeon with the complex cancer team at St Mark's hospital with an interest in the surgical management of patients with colorectal cancer.

Dr. Anu Obaro (Lead Associate Editor for Radiology)
St Mark's Hospital
London, UK

Dr. Jon Segal (Australia) (Lead AE for International)
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Melbourne, Australia

Dr. Majidah Bukhari (UAE)
Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital
Dubai, UAE

Dr. Aline Charabaty (USA)
Sibley Memorial Hospital
Washington, D.C, USA

Prof. CE Eapen (India)
Christian Medical College
Vellore, India

Dr. Eyad Gadour (Saudi Arabia)
King Abdulaziz National Guard Hospital
Al-Hasa, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Beatriz Gros (Spain)
Reina Sofia University Hospital
Cordoba, Spain

Dr. Geri Keane (USA)
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, USA

Prof. Desmond Leddin (Canada)
Dalhousie University
Nova Scotia, Canada

Prof. James O’Beirne (Australia)
Sunshine Coast University Hospital
Queensland, Australia

Prof. Alejandro Piscoya (Peru)
Hospital Guillermo Kaelin de la Fuente
Lima, Peru

Dr. Lisa Sharkey (UAE)
Kings College Hospital & Gulf Medical University
Dubai, UAE

Dr. Joyce Wing Yan Mak (Hong Kong)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, China

Trainee Editors

Dr. Kohilan Gananandan
Royal Free Hospital and Institute for Liver and Digestive Health, University College London
London, UK

Dr. Gananandan has a specialist interest in hepatology, and in particular, decompensated cirrhosis. His PhD focussed on the role of novel biomarkers and he is passionate about the development of digital healthcare.
Mr. David Leiberman
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Manchester, UK

Mr. Leiberman is a colorectal surgical trainee, currently undertaking a PhD investigating the role of the microbiome in peri-anal Crohn’s disease. I enjoy learning from my Gastroenterology colleagues and advocating for surgeons to be involved in patient journeys outside of the operating theatre.

Dr. Benjamin Norton
University College London / Cleveland Clinic
London, UK

Dr. Norton is a gastroenterology research fellow at University College London in partnership with Cleveland Clinic London. He has a passion for everything endoscopy, and his research focuses on novel minimally invasive endoscopic treatments for type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Irene C. Perez
University of Colorado
Colorado, US

Dr. Perez is a 3rd-year GI fellow at the University of Colorado, and she will be completing a combined Advanced Endoscopy Fellowship program at Moffitt Cancer Center and the University of South Florida. She completed an Internal Medicine Residency Program and the Global Health Leadership Track at the University of Virginia and attended the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry for medical school and graduated with a Distinction in Community Health. She is interested in medical education, gastrointestinal and pancreatic cancer prevention, and advanced endoscopic resection techniques.

Dr. Eathar Shakweh
St Mark’s The National Bowel Hospital
London, UK

Dr. Shakweh is a Clinical Research Fellow in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) at St Mark’s Hospital in London, where she is conducting her research in perianal fistulizing Crohn's disease, while also serving as a Trainee Editor for Frontline Gastroenterology (FG) and the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) Web Education committee. Since graduating from Imperial, she has made significant contributions to academia and medical education.

Dr. Trevor Tabone
Mater Dei Hospital

Dr. Tabone is a Maltese gastroenterology registrar with subspecialist interest in clinical
nutrition who developed his skills managing intestinal failure cases during a fellowship in
Leeds, UK. Passionate about innovation, education and service development, he’s on a
mission to make gastroenterology accessible and engaging for all.

Dr. Ben Zare
St Mark’s The National Bowel Hospital
London, UK

Dr. Zare is a Clinical Research Fellow at St Mark’s Hospital & Academic Institute. He is originally a South London trainee who has been well published in the field of IBD, and is currently undertaking a PhD with the world renowned St Mark’s Centre for Familial Intestinal Cancer & Polyposis Registry.
Education, Professional and Training Matters
Dr. Aditi Kumar
Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
Wolverhampton, UK
Dr. Oliver Tavabie
Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust
Leeds, UK
Statistical Editors
Prof. Dankmar Böhning
University of Southampton
Southampton, UK
Prof. Caroline Sabin
Royal Free and University College Medical School
London, UK
Editorial Advisory Board
Dr. Abhishek Chauhan
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, UK
Prof. Anton Emmanuel
University College London
London, UK
Prof. Alexander Ford
University of Leeds
Leeds, UK
Prof. Michael Heneghan
King’s College Hospital
London, UK
Prof. Christine Norton
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust & Bucks New University
London, UK
Dr. Amrita Sethi
Columbia University Medical Center
New York, USA
Prof. Reena Sidhu
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Sheffield, UK
Prof. Siwan Thomas-Gibson
Imperial College London
London, UK
Dr. Terry Wong
Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital
London, UK
Publishing Team
Publishing Executive: Anna Savage
Senior Publisher: Henry Spilberg
Head of Portfolio: Kathleen Lyons